backup cable communication computer connect copy cord data device disc external harddisc hardware media memory PC peripheral portable storage technology usb candle death departure fade faded flower flowers gone lamp life light passing time votive attraction Buckingham crowd England fountain landmark London memorial palace residence royal tourism tourist Victoria water above blue carved Dundas Edinburgh fluted Henry Melville monument plinth sky statue stone tower dongle drive electronic key pen pendrive peripherals stick architecture asiatic Chattri dome english Great Britain Indian marble military pillars remembrance South Downs war World folly gothic scot scotland Scott spire tall walter cemetery churchyard epitaph gravestone headstone historical lichens old Sussex atmosphere boundary-walls brick-walls bricked-in bricks color colored colors colour coloured colours covered damp deteriorated deterioration discoloration discoloured embedded European-burial-ground fading ferns foliage Fort-Canning-Green Gravestones greenery growth headstones historic historic-cemetery-area history incorporated lichen memorial-walls mold mould path Singapore steps tombstones walls weathered weathering worn

search result for -guerra memorial (18819)

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30 0 grade account_circle external memory
2 0 grade account_circle Faded flowers
13 0 grade account_circle Buckingham Palace 2
1 0 grade account_circle Edinburgh statue
3 0 grade account_circle Edinburgh statue
1 0 grade account_circle Edinburgh statue
29 0 grade account_circle USB Pendrive
1 0 grade account_circle Indian war memorial
23 0 grade account_circle Scott Monument, Edinburgh
1 0 grade account_circle Old gravestone with lichens
1 0 grade account_circle historic memorial walls10
1 1 grade account_circle historic memorial walls1
4 1 grade account_circle historic memorial walls8
0 0 grade account_circle historic memorial walls6
1 0 grade account_circle historic memorial walls3
1 0 grade account_circle historic memorial walls2
4 0 grade account_circle Remembering
3 1 grade account_circle Remembering
7 0 grade account_circle Remembering
73 3 grade account_circle .OLDPHOTO.
2 0 grade account_circle Indian war memorial
19 1 grade account_circle cd scan
33 4 grade account_circle A Photographer
107 3 grade account_circle Lost in time
13 2 grade account_circle remembrance poppies2
18 3 grade account_circle remembrance poppies1
18 2 grade account_circle remembrance poppies3
5 0 grade account_circle SeaBee Memorial
7 0 grade account_circle london
18 1 grade account_circle eggtech
35 1 grade account_circle eggtech
36 1 grade account_circle Hart
2 0 grade account_circle Indian war memorial
48 0 grade account_circle Computer
27 1 grade account_circle Don't Forget
1 0 grade account_circle Stone placard: historical poem
3 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial
1 1 grade account_circle Albert Memorial
1 0 grade account_circle Albert Memorial
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